Stricter supervision French fuel excise rebates
1 October 2018

The French authorities have announced to be stricter when it comes to correctness and completeness of the fuel invoices.

This may have consequences for (a part of) the refund of the fuel excise duty.


Missing and/or manually added data may cause rejection of the entire invoice and it will cause delay.

Which invoices will be accepted?

An invoice will be accepted when it contains the legal and mandatory information.

The content is import, not the lay out.



Mandatory data on the invoice:

• Issue date

• Invoice number

• Transaction date

• Name and address of the customer

• Name and address of the supplier (incl. legal form, Siret- or Siren number)

• VAT nr. of the supplier and the customer when the total amount of the invoice is more than 150 EURO

• Description of the product or service

• Detailed overview of each product or service

• Place and zipcode of purchase

• Type of fuel and volume

• Invoice must be assignable to the vehicle(s)

• Price (ex. VAT)

• Price increases and reductions

• Applicable VAT rate and VAT amount

• Total amount (incl. VAT)

• Expiry date

• Possible penalties for late payment


Keep your transaction tickets

The French authorities could ask you to hand over the receipts issued by the filling station.When you are unable to comply with this request, it might result in a rejection. Therefore, we strongly advise you to save your tickets.


Bankstatement French fuel excise 

To verify that the bank details on the declaration belong to the applicant, a copy of a bank statement is attached to each declaration. With immediate effect, the bank statement may not be older than 6 months. We may ask you for a new recent bank statement which is not older than 6 months.

